Dance Work “Lanji” As An Expression Of Despair Of Commercial Sex Worker Children In The Form Of Dramatic Dance


  •  Shafa Namira Islami  Universitas Negeri Surabaya  Author
  •  Bambang Sugito  Universitas Negeri Surabaya  Author



Lanji, Despair, Commercial Sex Workers


Lanji Dance is a work that departs from the phenomenon of the life journey of a child of a commercial sex worker, where he experienced despair caused by verbal bullying from the community because his mother was a commercial sex worker. In the end she despaired and decided to become a commercial sex worker like her mother. This dance work has two focuses, namely the focus of content and form. The focus of the content is the despair experienced by the children of commercial sex workers while the focus of the form is presented in the form of dramatic dance. The writing of the dance work Lanji uses several theories including the theory of Construction Method I by Jaqueline Smith. The choreographer's interpretation of the chosen phenomenon is then continued at the creation process stage. The desperation of commercial sex worker children is expressed through movement and expression and supported by several components such as silhouette settings, fashion makeup in accordance with the concept, a proscenium stage complete with lighting that is used to build changes in atmosphere in each scene. Musical accompaniment is also a support in this dance work. Lanji dance works use dramatic dance types.

Author Biography

  • Bambang Sugito, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

    Drs. Bambang Sugito, M.Sn., lahir di Tulungagung pada tanggal 16-11-1964 adalah dosen di Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Dalam 1 tahun terakhir, mengampu 23 matakuliah. Sudah melakukan pengabdian sebanyak 9. Sudah mempublikasi Artikel Ilmiah dalam jurnal sebanyak 3.

    Name : Drs. Bambang Sugito,M.Sn.

    Current Position : Heard Lector (Associate Profesor)

    NIP : 196411161992031002

    NIDN : 0016116403




How to Cite

Dance Work “Lanji” As An Expression Of Despair Of Commercial Sex Worker Children In The Form Of Dramatic Dance. (2024). JISOSEPOL: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Ekonomi Dan Politik, 2(2), 411-421.