Implementation of the Digital Simulation Subject Using Sibelius in the Classical Music Department of SMKN 12 Surabaya

Danin Maula*, Raden Roro Maha Kalyana Mitta Anggoro


  •  Danin Maula  State University of Surabaya  Author
  •  Raden Roro Maha Kalyana Mitta Anggoro  State University of Surabaya  Author



Learning, Digital Simulation, Learning Media, Project-Based Learning, Sibelius


Digital Simulation is one of the subjects offered in the Classical Music department at State Vocational High School 12. The Digital Simulation subject teaches music arrangement using the Sibelius software. In its implementation, this subject adopts the Project Based Learning (PjBL) model. Project Based Learning (PjBL) itself is a type of learning where the focus is on students independently constructing and applying concepts through projects that involve exploration and problem-solving in real-world topics. This study utilizes qualitative research methods. The subjects of this study are students from Class XI - Classical Music 1 at State Vocational High School 12 Surabaya, and the object of the study is the Digital Simulation learning using the Sibelius software. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis involves data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions, data validity, and data triangulation. Based on the research conducted on the Implementation of Digital Simulation Teaching Using Sibelius in the Classical Music Department of State Vocational High School 12 Surabaya, it can be concluded that Sibelius is highly compatible with Digital Simulation teaching because this learning approach adopts the Project Based Learning model, which focuses on student-centered project creation using Sibelius.

