Music Composition and Form of the Song "Lekas Sembuh" Eko Kasmo
Music Form, Composition, Lekas SembuhAbstract
The song 'Lekas Sembuh' was created from the inspiration of its composer, Eko Hardoyo (Eko Kasmo), who felt anxious due to the decrease in farmers' harvests in his village caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Hopes and prayers were poured into this song. The problem discussed in this study is the form of the song and the musical composition used. The objective of this research is to reveal the form of the song and the musical composition used in the song 'Lekas Sembuh'. The method used is qualitative. The theory of song form and structure analysis is used to explore the research problem. Primary data sources were obtained through interviews, audio, and digital video observations. Secondary data was obtained from books, journals, and the internet. The results of the study show that the instruments used are slenthem, peking, kempul, bonang barung, bonang penerus, saron, demung, rebab, keyboard, cak, cuk, guitar, and saxophone. The musical composition heavily uses gamelan ornamentation patterns accompanied by Western instruments. From a musical aspect, there are principles such as the number of bars, time signature, chord progression, and rhythmic pattern. This song uses the tonic of Do=Bb with the use of tempo dynamics, uses a 4/4 time signature, and falls into a three-part song form: A, B, C, C', and begins with an introduction.