Developing Creativity in Song Improvisation in Contemporary Music at the Omah Padhangmbulan Studio


  •  Risma Icha Saputri  Universitas Negeri Surabaya  Author
  •  Senyum Sadhana  Universitas Negeri Surabaya  Author



Lemut Samudro, Improvisation, Creativity, Sanggar Omah Padhangmbulan


This study aims to explain how to develop creativity in playing songs in contemporary music at the Omah Padhangmbulan studio and to describe the results of creative improvisation of a song in contemporary music at the Omah Padhangmbulan studio. This study uses a qualitative method, through observation data collection techniques, interviews, and documentation. In addition, data analysis through the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. To check the reliability or validity of the data, researchers use source triangulation, technique triangulation, and time triangulation. The results of this study indicate that the development of creative improvisation of a song from its good processes will certainly produce good results. The results of good creativity will also be accepted by all people, especially ordinary people who rarely know music. Of course, it will be a guideline and reference for other musicians when we can produce beautiful music from the results of developing creative improvisation of the songs we do. Lemut Samudro continues to make efforts by developing creativity in improvising a song through (1) developing chords, (2) creativity and improvisation in determining sound effects, (3) the existence of bayati, hijas, rost and sika scales, (4) creative vocal improvisation.



How to Cite

Developing Creativity in Song Improvisation in Contemporary Music at the Omah Padhangmbulan Studio. (2024). JISOSEPOL: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Ekonomi Dan Politik, 2(2), 342-352.