Arrangement Form and Structure of the Song Seblang Subuh by Budi Susanto Yohanes for Choir
Form of arrangement, Structure of arrangement, ChoirAbstract
This research aims to determine the form of arrangement and structure of the song Seblang Subuh which has become an icon for Budi Susanto Yohanes every time he arranges a folklore or folk song. The method used in this research is a type of qualitative research. Data sources were obtained from several data presented by sources, namely primary and secondary sources. Data collection techniques were carried out using observation, interviews and documentation. Data validity is carried out using triangulation or merging techniques and comparing the results of the data obtained. Data analysis techniques go through the stages of data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. Based on the research results obtained, the form of arrangement of the song Seblang Subuh by Budi Susanto Yohanes for choir, one of the choir teams that was the object was Gita Pramawisesa. In the discussion, song form uses the theory of Karl-Edmund (1996) which states that form can be seen practically as a "container" that is "filled" by a composer and processed in such a way that it becomes living music. Meanwhile, the arrangement uses the Genichi theory in which there are fill-in arrangement ornaments and the only fillers studied here are fill-ins. In song form, there is a song structure including Kawakami's theory (1975), there are elements that form the structure of the arrangement, namely introduction, chorus (core of the song), bridge, variations, coda.